
Friday 30 June 2017

Seasons Ecclesiastes 3:1

Ecclesiastes  3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Life comes in seasons, you need to know what season   you are in life and be comfortable or confront the situations and make certain actions…

For instance if you're in the Dream phase like Joseph (Genesis 37) and you don't have all the money, wife children, house and all you will be comfortable and know you're in the foundation stage….

But unlike Nehemiah when he heard the bad news about Israel 🇮🇱 (Nehemiah 1) he felt sad and left  his life in the palace of king to go and help rebuild his nation

When there was Famine Isaac was told to sow and not leave (Genesis 26), while Abraham (Genesis 12:10-20) and Jacob (Genesis 42) went  to Egypt… You  should know what to do each case and how to act when different situations meet you in life, As Christians we can't handle situations the way the world does, even the way other Christians handle their lives is different from the way you should handle yours

1 Chronicles 12:32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.

You should know the season of your life and act your on it!

2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

In life you should have a responsibility in your heart concerning the projects GOD wants for your life, you should know that yes I'm getting things done and I have a long way to and also to identify later in life that I'm almost done I have fought the good fight of Faith! Like Paul you should know when the end is coming, knowing where you're is vital!!!

It's only the HOLY SPIRIT hat can reveal to you what stage you're in and what you should do!

A close relationship with GOD helps you to do this find time out of no time to spend with HIM daily and HE will reveal HIMSELF to you concerning your life!

Here are the Prayer Points for the Prayer and Fasting for the first 7days of  July 2017

1. LORD thank you for the season I am in my life,   IN JESUS NAME.
2. LORD help me realize the season I am in and give me the #GRACE to act on it, IN JESUS NAME.
3. LORD help me to be relentless in my actions concerning each season, IN JESUS NAME.
4. LORD help me to be obedient to you in each  season, IN JESUS NAME.
5. LORD bring those that will help me in each season of life, IN JESUS NAME.
6. LORD direct my heart to be dedicated to the work for each season, IN JESUS NAME.
7. LORD every distraction is destroyed, IN JESUS NAME.
8. LORD lead people, resources and situations that will help me in each season, IN JESUS NAME.

Thursday 1 June 2017

June A month to be Grateful!

 Praise ye the Lord. #Praise #God in his #sanctuary: praise him in the #firmament of his power. Praise him for his #mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent #greatness.
Psalm 150:1-2

I was going to do a sermon on the Lion Of Judah! But GOD led me to make the month of
#June just #Thanksgiving!

June of 2015 I didn't say a #single #prayer just worship! It helped me know how powerful GOD is through HIS #Worship songs! I played a lot of Worship songs during my worship  time!

 *There will be moments you just feel you're just listening to music 🎶, nope it's just a time  taken  to get yourself familiarized and well acquainted with Worship songs*