
Thursday 1 June 2017

June A month to be Grateful!

 Praise ye the Lord. #Praise #God in his #sanctuary: praise him in the #firmament of his power. Praise him for his #mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent #greatness.
Psalm 150:1-2

I was going to do a sermon on the Lion Of Judah! But GOD led me to make the month of
#June just #Thanksgiving!

June of 2015 I didn't say a #single #prayer just worship! It helped me know how powerful GOD is through HIS #Worship songs! I played a lot of Worship songs during my worship  time!

 *There will be moments you just feel you're just listening to music 🎶, nope it's just a time  taken  to get yourself familiarized and well acquainted with Worship songs*

I was crossing the street in June of 2015, I didn't see  a  vehicle on top speed,As I started crossing and  as the car was  coming I was so confident in heart that I will get across the road without no #accident!
My confidence in GOD #Soars up because the worship songs just explain how  powerful
HE is and the things HE can do!

You can also thank GOD for my life a few days Ago I survived a car accident, my car spun 360, hit the median of the road, I was on the fast lane, no cars hit me, I didn't hit anybody, I and the car #Awesome! I walked out of it alive and I drove off right from the scene! GOD proving HE is #OMNIPRESENT, as soon as the accident happened a doctor pulled over to check on me on the freeway!

Not a lot of people cross into the half of the year Thank GOD for all HE has done and please if you have prayer points, turn them to Thanksgiving points! Tell GOD thank you Advance

To improve your worship time day and Night, please get worship #songs online like iTunes, YouTube, Spotify, and many more , from your local music store, you can ask your worship leader in church! GOD BLESS

6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a #rewarder of them that #diligently #seek him.Hebrews 11:6King James Version (KJV)

#Share the #Gospel of Love of JESUS with others. Whenever I park my car close to someone, I put a tract on the windshield of the cars next to mine, people have accidents and don't survive, or the car will be a wreck but GOD decided to make me and car come out alive… *Let Somebody Shout Alleluia*…..

GOD is a rewarder of those that diligently serve HIM, you can't love JESUS and not share the Gospel, you're saved, you can't claim you love JESUS and be comfortable that others are going to hell…. You can start by sharing tracts, tell people JESUS Loves you.

Lastly give an #offering, give someone in need, around you it could someone you know or just someone on the street GOD BLESS!

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